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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  May 2, 2023 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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married mccue over the weekend. we all got teared up and followed it with an amazing night of dancing. there is everyone. am i narrating right? there is kate danning. it got crazy. there is the beautiful couple, congrat congratulations. >> todd: a fox news alert, hunter biden paternity case is pulling back the curtain on his finances. had the legal team claims he paid $70,000 since he learned he fathered navy. the team getting scolded for withholding financial information saying, the ability to redact is someone being abused and i'm seeing things
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filed by mr. biden's that are not confidential. you're watching "fox and friends first," i'm todd piro. >> ashley: i'm ashley strohmier. some say this could blow the lid off the biden family business, including offshore accounts and propaid premium for his artwork. brooke singman has details. good morning. >> brooke: major revelation in the arkansas courtroom yesterday as hunter biden fights his child support battle. his lawyers reveal the president's son has paid $750,000 in child support ever since a paternity test confirmed he was the father. that hasn't stopped the first family from oh, racing navy from
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the family tree. >> president biden: i have six grandchildren, i'm crazy about them and speak to them every single day, not a joke. >> brooke: hunter biden ignoring any admission as he left the courtroom. >> is your service doing a service for not recognizing his grandchild. >> brooke: investments and art sales and overseas business dealings say this paternity case may be key to you have mooing their own investigation forward. >> this has potential to be helpful. first of all, what in fact is his income from his artwork and who the buyers of this artwork are. we want to know if hunter biden
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has offshore accounts. we are learning about the complex scheme the biden family had to disguise the source of the revenue. >> brooke: comer is doubling down on hunter's lawyers. >> in communication with witnesses and people cooperating from subpoena standpoint, they have been contacted by attorneys from hunter biden's lawyer, this is witness intimidation. >> brooke: hunter's paternity case, hunter and roberts will have to answer questions under oath. >> todd: jesse watters says four year old child could get to the bottom of biden family corruption. >> open the books and answer
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questions about finances and art sales. hunter was getting canvases and selling for $75,000 a piece to donors. you hold nothing for your little girl? the laptop is getting cracked open and hunter will have to tell what he did with the millions he got from ukraine and china and russia and so on. this is the very thing president biden has been trying to avoid for you'res. a four-year-old girl is holding the biden family accountable. not the justice department, a little girl. >> todd: and antony blinken denying any -- on hunter biden laptop in an interview with ben hall. can you explain what your role was in that and if you
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incentivized it. >> i don't do politics and don't engage in it. with regard to that letter, i didn't, wasn't my idea and didn't solicit it and i think the testimony that the former deputy director of the cia, mike murrell put forward confirms that. >> ashley: it wasn't my idea, is that a good enough response? >> no, it is interesting that antony blinken says he does not want to be political since he's been political from the get-go and been consistently in communication with hunter and e-mails were forwarded to hunter's business partners, specifically dealing with
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burisma. this is suspect. >> todd: what was curious about the tense, blinken said, i don't do politics, i don't necessarily believe that. the tense was don't, he did in 2020, working night and day to get biden into office. i think he is lying. michael morrell testified that blinken was the impo tus for the letter and blinken says he wasn'ts, who is lying? >> we will have to find out. we haven't heard from blinken yet in front of the judiciary. the letter doesn't lie, 51 ex-cia directors, former heads of intelligence sign on to this letter that was sig nant in terms of the election and what
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occurred before donald trump debated joe biden. this letter was a tell-tale sign having anything to do with hunter biden laptop, a complete farce. >> ashley: blinken said he never e-mailed hunter biden, but e-mails show the two scheduling a meeting cht receipts show otherwise of what he's saying. >> the receipts do show otherwise, we've seen the letters back and forth and seen hunter biden forward e-mails to devin archer and we heard from a senator on fox news said he spoke under oath and explain how blinken denied this under oaths, that is a huge allegation that is ultimately a felony, right?
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>> ashley: yeah. >> todd: your thoughts on this, president biden will meet congressional leaders on the debt ceiling next week, not before janet yellen wrote a letter to speaker mccarthy saying after reviewing -- unable to continue to satisfy the government obligations by early june. and potentially as early as june 1. this does appear to be a cave by biden, he seems to be saying, make the first step to get republicans in the door to work on numbers. with regard to janet yellen's statement, will that fearmongering get mccarthy to budge? >> i think it is fearmongering and when it come to janet yellen, we have to take her word at face value. she is the person who talked about transitory inflation that
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set us up for inflation. this is difficult and the debt ceiling plays a huge part in this spending. here janet yellen is pushing forward this fearmongering tactic and really i don't trust janet yellen either. we've seen her history and because of her we're in a lot of this. yes, it is also political. she's acting political, no longer federal reserve chair, you could see the federal reserve chair could be political. this is fearmongering. >> ashley: mccarthy and republicans put forward a common-sense bill. you can raise the debt ceiling, but have to push back in certain areas. do you think he's going to budge on this at all? every year we hear we're going to run out of money.
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do you think biden is going to budge on this? >> he doesn't really have a choice unlessey ex$10 millions to the point of a fiscal cliff. i hope he wants this deal to be negotiated, it would be difficult for the economy, investors will be concerned about what happens to the budget and debt. right now, he will have to negotiate because republicans passed the bill in the house. kevin mccarthy did a great job and got a lot of covid spending and cuts called back. >> todd: what republicans and kevin mccarthy want to do is go back to four months ago, not like going back to 1980 elf wells. a new poll finds only 16% of americans have trust in the media and additionally 74% of americans think the news media
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is increasing political divide in our country. your thoughts on that? >> it startses with education, when students in classrooms do not have capability to speak up because the teachers push back because it is not the right point of view, liberal point of view typically, yes, it will lead to other areas, particularly in journalism, when there is a critical divide and no discourse. there is no shows, not too many shows that debate each other in fear they will alienate their audience. it is really kind of sad. >> ashley: makes you wonder if we can come back from this. 16% -- >> todd: that is low. >> ashley: not a lot. how will we come back from this? you never know these days. >> special with the hunter biden
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laptop story. the main reason -- >> ashley: russia under the rug acting like it didn't exist and now everybody being forced to talk about it five years later. thank you for your time. concerns are growing over potential impact of artificial intelligence and americans are calling for government regulation. >> todd: jackie ibanez here with more. h h hi. >> jackie: the government needs to step in, can they handle the responsibility? most voters say no. only 39% of voters believe the government have ability to properly regulate ai. this as google emmroiee known as godfather of ai, i console myself with normal excuse, if i hadn't done it, somebody else
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would have. how can you prevent bad actors from using it for bad things. the idea this could get smarter than people, a few believed that, i thought it was 30 to 50 years away, i no longer think that. becoming controversial over past few months as we see it creeping into education to music and now politics. after seeing the rnc generated ad, industry experts are speaking out about the impact the new technology will have on the 2024 election. >> this technology is coming faster than campaign in the industry can keep up with right now. you see what is happening in the music industry over last couple weeks with the fake drake and weekend song garnering millions of views. what is to stop that sort of
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disruption technology coming into the political arena in 2024 and having a late, game-changing impact. >> jackie: the government revealed effort among policymakers on how to regulate ai. there is blueprint aimed for a safe eye that doesn't lead to discr discriminate against users based on economic status. >> todd: can the three of us put together an album of songs based upon ai. >> ashley: i'm still out, i need more evidence to show it is positive. >> jackie: i'm in. >> ashley: you be the boy band. thank you. desantis backed florida tourism board voted to counter sue disney in response to their lawsuit against the governor.
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disney claims desantis is violating free speech by stripping the company's self-governoring rights. desantis says has no merit. >> no corporation is above the law, to corrupt the local government and run it. >> ashley: "wall street journal" op eshg d calls for governor desantis to put cultural issues to the side and run on character, confidence and common sense to appeal to more moderate voters ahead of a 2024 run. jimmy petronas will join us next hour. >> ashley: hollywood writer guild agreeing to strike for the first time in 15 years, picketing begin after guild and alliance of motion picture and producers failed to meet agreement on pay, regulation and more.
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calling out netflix and disney saying it portrayed commitment to devaluing the profession of writing. network late night shows shutting down with jimmy kimmel, jimmy fallon, set to air reruns, seth myers issuing this statement, no one is entitled to a job in show business, for those who have a job, they are entitled to fair composition and making a living. the last wga strike was in 2007, when writers walked off for 100 days. >> todd: hope you have shows on your dvr. the elite came out in style for the met gala. gisele bundchen, kardashians and
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jennifer garner just a few. dedicated to karlagerfeld, known for leading fashion houses, including channel. i love the phrase fashion house. serena and her husband are expecting a second child. two a-listers showed up to the event as cats. le letto, and doja cat transformed into a cat. >> ashley: wait, that is jaredletto? >> todd: that is doja cat. or it could be one of the kardashians, several climate change protesters tried to crash the party, leading to arrestses. that is not doja cat.
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demonstrators claiming it is killing the environment and they are sitting in front of paris hilton's car. i want to hear your comments, yours are funnier. >> ashley: it is like a big costume party. >> todd: i got lucky, i was preparing to wear the cat today. >> ashley: was that jaredletto. >> todd: later today they wanted a blue suit, i got to put it off for another day. >> ashley: welcome back, todd. >> todd: climate change protests, activists urging americans to stop mowing their lawns, professional landscaper says it is a scam. >> ashley: we have joe concha, tomi lahren and paxton, keep it
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>> ashley: fox weather alert.
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six dead and dozens hurt after dust storm calls traffic pile up in illinois, crashing on i-75 near springfield >> state police say an 88-year-old woman was killed and nearly 40 people were taken to area hospitals, some with life-threatening injuries. and another fox weather alert. a tornado spotted in virginia beach on sunday has been rated ef-3 with winds 136 miles per hour, the first ef-3 on record for the city. declaring local state of emergency after the winds tore through 100 homes. the tornado path spanned five miles devastating homes in the neighborhood. no injuries are reported, you
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can follow this story by downloading the fox weather app. >> todd: climate activists with no mow may, urging people to stop mowing their grass so bees can pollenate. the push will mow them out of business lawn care professionals say. brian schwartz joins me. how much less are you making this may than in previous mays prior to no mow may? >> thank you for having me. for clarity, we're a nonprofit organization that provides free lawn services elderly and disabled veterans to give back to the community. just working with landscapers, they have bills to pay, families to provide for.
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>> todd: the ones you work with, you know a lot of guys in north jersey. is no mow may doing anything to help the environment period or is this just a way for the left to make noise? >> i can't confirm or deny the bee population being affected. there are some states that are taking action toward encouraging and that is what we do. over time, we like to -- there are some states and cities that are implementing this, we created a petition online that encouraging a financial relief program to ensure that landscapers are covered, whether a general stipend or more to sweeten the deal.
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>> todd: how do landscapers make it if they do not mow in may when they are not in december? >> taking away like the big line item and it is a big deal. you can see it is very bad, big lawns people are mowing and only so much one can do. >> todd: what is better way to help the environment while keeping your property groomed at the same time? >> i think healthy balance. if one is intending to contribute, cut the grass higher and do it one less week per month, meeting halfway. with this no mow may movement, there are a lot of stake holders. towns will be doing it. if people are getting into real
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estate and see one home with all kind of grass being cut, you might lose out on a sale. so many moving parts to make it reality. it is just in theory a good idea, but too many moving parts. >> todd: i know you mention you mow lawns for veterans, have any veterans told you stop mowing in may? >> to be honest, no. for the most part, most towns would reach out on our behalf and that is getting too overgrown and neighbors are not happy. we'll continue mowing. >> todd: they fought for freedom, don't know if they fought to save the bees, that is for another day. thank you, sir. fox news alert out of texas, more information about the five victims who were murdered by their illegal immigrant neighbor and the suspect is still on the
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run. we'll bring you the latest and tell you which key detail the white house has yet to mejsz about this case. >> ashley: rob emmanual is pushing lgbtq overseas and people there want nothing to do with it and a japanese is here with a response you do not want to miss, that is next.
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>> todd: back with a fox news alert, the massive manhunt for the man accused of killing his neighbors. the white house failed to mention the man is a five-time deported immigrant. they are talking about the ar-15. >> armed with ar-15 rifle. congress must act, what makes this more heartwrenching, it is
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within our power to take the weapons of war off the streets. >> todd: source with ice tells fox news, the mexican national's last run-in was in 2016. 250 officers are actively searching for the suspect. mark levin calling out the biden administration for ignoring the border crisis, putting american citizens in danger. >> the purpose is to improve our country for the people who live here, supposed to be representing us. talk about this mass murderer who killed five people today, that mass murder wouldn't have killed five people if the mass mu murderer wasn't in the country. all the murders and rapes, assault and battery, from people who are here illegally, that is on joe biden's hands.
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>> todd: texas attorney general ken paxton will join us with more on this. >> ashley: shocking numbers in from the southern border. two agents assaulted, 2200 apprehension and meth intercepted within the last 72 hours and border officials encountered 90,000 migrants within the last 10 days. griff jenkins has more from the border. >> griff: in brownsville, it is ground zero for the uptick in surge of migrants and we're getting that first-hand look at what is quite eye-opening. as border officials brace for lifting of title 42 in less than two weeks, fox has exclusive look at the surge that has already arrived on the banks of the rio grande in brownsville across from mexico.
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you can see the texas state trooper here working this line, they can't stop them, the least they can do is save their lives. these venezuelan men making it to the u.s. side, exhausted and overcome with emotion. >> two months, crossing two jungles and ifr ares, dealing with criminals, the lord brought us to tranquillity to have food for us and our family. >> griff: local brownsville officials are working to surge resources. >> everybody is working together to make sure we're processing and getting things done as peaceful and orderly as possible. >> griff: numbers are staggering, agents encountered 22,000 migrants in the last 72 hours issue leading three border cities to declare states of emergency. brownsville, laredo and el paso. >> we figure 10 to 12,000 people
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are ready to come on may 11ths, may 12th. there is additional coming right behind them and we'll be prepared. >> griff: adding to the crisis, border patrol chief ortez says 17,000 get-go just last week. todd and ashley, back to you. >> todd: fox news alert, hundreds of officers heart after french rioters took to the streets yesterday. authorities in paris using teargas to clear the violent demonstrators. 100 protesters were arrested in paris, 300 detained across france. may day marked by labor riots this year it was anger over
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french president macron that raised the retirement age. >> ashley: a balloon heading toward mexico, spokesman says it responded to unidentified radar signature friday in the vicinity of hawaii, pacific air forces launched three f-22s to assess the situation and identified a spherical object. u.s. on high alert after unmanned flight operated by china traveled over the continental u.s. earlier this year and shot down a week after it entered u.s. air space over the pacific ocean. and rob emanuel seen at rainbow pride parade in tokyo being called out for pushing lgbtq legislation in their country.
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one japanese journalist tweeting, we do not need the u.s. ambassador pushing this on japan, please fix chicago before ruining my country. >> todd: that is a great last lean. the journalist joins us now. what is reaction to rob emanuel, who as you point out was the mayor of a city, chicago, that is now one of the most disastrous in our country. what is reaction to him telling you that you need to let men use women's bathrooms? >> yeah, many japanese people are so angry about this obvious over interference in domestic affairs and to begin with, i have to say, there are no discriminatory against lgbtq people in japan. there is huge tv industry for
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those people. meaning those people are called on air meaning girlie boys, they are tv celebrities. this tells you that japan is not a country to discriminate against those people, but to push lgbtq ideology to us and it is destroying our culture. i can tell you about example more. >> ashley: okay, i want to ask about this, emanuel said no one should have patience when it comes to equal rights, time for new era where members of lgbtqi -- why is he trying to make it about that in that quote? >> yes.
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japanese is not concerned about passing the law so-called anti-discrimination legislation protecting lgbtq rights and the lgbtq ideology is not targeting only japan issue but of course your country and europe and all over the world, part of destruction of our country. we have g7 in may, japanese politician are making excuse. we have to meet the international standards issue but it is not the case and what is happening is destruction of our culture, for example, do you know public bus, many japanese people like to go to public bus issue but this morning, one of the public bus who are losing a lot of customers because gay people come there and they make out in the public in public bus,
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so this public bus facility posted a sign saying no prohibit entering of the lgbtq people without moral and manners, that is the situation we have. instead of talking about propaganda, we need to see reality and protect harmony in japan. >> todd: i read in the notes, you said you know many members of the lgbtq members of the community who do not support what rob emanuel is trying to put forward. go into more detail on that. >> yes, actually there is a man who used to be a congressman and he is gay, but he raise voices from long time ago saying that what is happening in the legislation is not actually listening to their voices, they are just talking about what is
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in propaganda from abroad and the people want to be heard, meaning they want us to leave them alone, not put them on -- that is what they feel. >> todd: you think if you were going to be creating legislation for the lgbtq community? ja know pa, listen to the lgbtq community in japan and not rob emanuel, former mayor of chicago in the u.s. we appreciate your time. a car riddled with bullet holes pulled from an austin lake. police are investigating, is this the work of a serial killer? we will bring details about the investigation. >> ashley: number of people getting away with murder reached record high, our next guest is not giving up hope his daughter's killer will be brought to justice.
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he will share his story next.
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we moved out of the city so our little sophie could appreciate nature. but then he got us t-mobile home internet. i was just trying to improve our signal, so some of the trees had to go. i might've taken it a step too far. (chainsaw revs) (tree crashes) (chainsaw continues) (daughter screams) let's pretend for a second that you didn't let down your entire family. what would that reality look like? well i guess i would've gotten us xfinity... and we'd have a better view. do you need mulch? what, we have a ton of mulch.
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>> todd: oklahoma sheriff deputies find remains of seven people while searching for two missing teens last seen traveling with a convicted rapist. two of the bodies are thought to
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be the two girls, who were reported missing early monday morning. they were found alongside the remains of jesse mcfadden, authorities have not identified the other four bodies. >> ashley: more than half of murders in this country are going unsolved. 21-year-old was shot multiple times in the chest during attempted carjacking last saecht. there have been no arrests or suspects named in her case. her father, paul, is here this morning. my heart goes out to you and your entire family for what you are having to go through. this is not right and shouldn't be happening in america. why do you think that so many murders are going unsolved,
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including, as of right now, your daughters? >> we have a couple of problems here. we have many problems in baton rouge, one main issue and this is from speaking with law enforcement and elect officials covering the entire spectrum. judges are not keeping the guys locked up. there is a problem with repeat offenders, especially in violent crime sector. they are getting out on low bond and going out and committing crimes. we have had several incidents in the past month. if you talk to the police chief and different officers and sheriff department or baton ro rouge, the problem is repeat offenders, arresting the same people over and over. >> ashley: it could be the defund the police movement,
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numbers started going up in 2020, would you agree? >> we have a shortage in the sheriff's office and baton rouge city police department. they are short by over 100. >> ashley: what do police tell you and what do investigators tell you? are people just not talking? are they saying it is the criminals, revolving door of them not being able to finish the i were papaperwork, what is it? >> definitely an issue with people not talking, we have $50,000 reward for information leading to her killer or killers, there is limited information called in to crime units here. our police officers have gone out in the community. people just don't want to talk. they are scared. when people keep getting
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released early and not held, they are scared of retaliation. >> ashley: yeah, when you see things like this, in 2020 and 2021, 191 people reported 18% increase in resignation and 45% increase in retirements, that has to make you nervous that the number of unsolved murders will just go up. >> absolutely. >> ashley: is that a problem they are seeing in the baton rouge police department? are they understaffed? >> they are. last count i heard a couple months ago, they were down by 130 officers, 130 spots, they needed filled. >> ashley: quickly, before i let you go, i want to know what you are doing, you are getting involved with the community and help figure out who did this to your daughter not just to her, but to your family. what are you doing in the
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community right now? >> one of our main things right now, we've been involved with a camera initiative named after my daughter and another shooting victim from last year, it is called the paige rice initiative tied to baton rouge police department realtime crime center. they can zoom in, get license plates, there are businesses in the area getting involved with this. exxon sponsored cameras throughout the city and we are getting behind community foundations. >> ashley: doing everything you can, putting yourself out there and i hope from the bottom of my heart you find who did this to your daughter and stop this from happening to other families,
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paul rice, good luck and thank you for your time this morning. >> thank you. >> ashley: you're welcome. fox news alert president biden is bringing lawmakers to table over the debt ceiling as u.s. is set to run out of money by june 1. we are live in washington. >> todd: keep it here on "fox and friends first."
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>> todd: a fox news alert, president biden finally inviting congressional leaders to the white house to discuss the debt ceiling as our nation is on the brink of default. treasury secretary warning the u.s. could run out of money by june 1. we are two days into may already, it could happen soon. you're watching "fox and friends first," i'm todd piro. >> ashley: i'm ashley strohmier in for carley shimkus. lawmakers passed bill to raise th


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